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Hallam students collaborate across time zones to produce innovative audio theatre piece about life under lockdown

Students at Sheffield Hallam and La Trobe University in Australia have worked together to produce an audio theatre piece, to be showcased at Off the Shelf Festival and the Melbourne Fringe.

Culture and media
University news

Arts-led climate programme to launch at Sheffield’s Crucible Theatre

A new programme of climate-focused research, performance and exhibition will be launched this month at the Crucible Theatre.

Art and design
Culture and media

Hallam aims to inspire next generation of writing talent with Off the Shelf Festival events

Sheffield Hallam is running a series of “How to…” events with multi-award-winning authors of fiction, plays and radio, to inspire the next generation of literary talent as part of the Off the Shelf Festival.

Books and writing
Culture and media

Sheffield Theatres’ Rob Hastie to give departing lecture at Sheffield Hallam

Sheffield Theatres’ outgoing Artistic Director, Rob Hastie, will give a free talk at Sheffield Hallam University this month, looking back on the success of the past eight years.

Culture and media

Uncovering the history of an iconic Sheffield music studio

A documentary about the iconic music studio which recorded early demos from bands which became The Human League, Pulp and Def Leppard will premiere at Sheffield DocFest.

Culture and media

Doctor Who cast and crew 'blown away' to receive honorary doctorates from Sheffield Hallam

Doctor Who showrunner and executive producer, Chris Chibnall, said he and the cast and crew of series 11 of the iconic show were 'blown away' after receiving honorary doctorates from Sheffield Hallam University.

University news
Honorary doctorates
Culture and media

Hallam celebrates staff and students at this year’s Off the Shelf festival

Sheffield Hallam University will be celebrating the passion of its staff, creativity of students and collaboration with industry in a Hallam curated line up of events for Off the Shelf Festival of Words (13-19 October).

Culture and media

Documentary by Hallam graduates shows how Sheffield BAMER community came together during pandemic

Giving a voice to Sheffield’s Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee communities is the aim of a documentary project supported by recent graduates.

Culture and media
Student stories

Hallam students’ success at Royal Television Society Awards

Sheffield Hallam students have picked up five out of a possible ten awards at the Royal Television Society’s Yorkshire Student Awards

Student stories
Culture and media

Exploring Sheffield’s waterways through eco-poetry

Academics from Sheffield Hallam University are hosting two eco-poetry cruises exploring Sheffield's waterways, as part of Being Human Festival 2023

Culture and media

Cancel event

Are you sure you want to cancel your place on Saturday 12 November?
