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How can we motivate children to eat more healthily?

This talk will start by exploring the different influences on children’s eating behaviour, from birth to adolescence. Then the talk will go on to discuss different interventions which we have developed to improve healthy eating amongst children and adolescents. These will start with interventions we have developed to increase consumption of fruit and vegetables based on planning and increasing motivation, through to an intervention we co-developed with a student advisory group to reduce snacking in adolescents using the Social Norms approach.

Doctoral Researchers

Doctoral Researchers

CeBSAP research projects

Find out about the latest Projects by the Centre for Behavioural Science and Applied Psychology.

Behavioural science, behaviour change and wellbeing

Creating behaviour change and wellbeing interventions from psychological theory and behavioural science

Neuro-cognitive testing

Using non-invasive methods to explore brain impairments and the resulting changes to cognition and behaviour

Applying psychological theories and research methods

These methods and theories are central to all projects involving how people learn, think and respond to their environment

Preventing, reducing and investigating criminality and exploitation

Understanding criminal behaviour, evaluating interventions, and exploring ways to reduce violence and exploitation


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