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Families and Work: Revisiting Barriers to Employment

Client: Department for Work and Pensions| Staff: David Robinson, Del Fletcher, Tony Gore and Kesia Reeve

Inclusive economy

Our Bigger Story: the Longitudinal Multi Media Evaluation of Big Local

Client: Local Trust| Staff: Angus McCabe (TSRC, University of Birmingham), Rob Macmillan, Mandy Wilson (freelance researcher), Paul Morgans (independent film maker) and Matt Edwards (University of Birmingham)

Housing and place
Inclusive economy
Voluntary and community sector

Linking infrastructure development and poverty reduction

Client: JRF | Staff: Richard Crisp, Tony Gore, Will Eadson and Aidan While

Inclusive economy
Housing and place

Civic University Network

Client: UPP Foundation, Department for Education, Arts Council England, Carnegie UK Trust | Staff: Greg Burke, Ed Ferrari, Julian Dobson and Peter Wells

Inclusive economy

Evaluation of the Prepaid Card Live Test

Client: DWP | Staff: Jan Gilbertson, Kesia Reeve, Ian Cole, Aimee Ambrose, Stephen Green, Lyndsey McCarthy and Jude Bennington

Policy research and evaluation
Inclusive economy

Evaluation of the National Community Cohesion Strategy for Wales

Client: Welsh Government | Staff: David Robinson, Kesia Reeve, Deborah Platts-Fowler, Stephen Green, Elaine Batty and Aimee Walshaw

Policy research and evaluation
Inclusive economy
Housing and place

Evaluation of Ask and Act

Client: Welsh Government| Staff: Kesia Reeve, Aimee Ambrose, Ian Wilson, Emma Bimpson, Stephen Green, Lindsey McCarthy, Elizabeth Sanderson, Elaine Batty and Barry Goodchild

Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation

Overcoming disconnection and deprivation in city regions

Client: JRF (collaboration with TRP, University of Sheffield)| Staff: Alasdair Rae (University of Sheffield), Ruth Hamilton (University of Sheffield), Rich Crisp and Ryan Powell

Housing and place
Inclusive economy

Guidance for Local Authorities in Wales on Community Profiling and Tension Monitoring

Client: Welsh Government | Staff: David Robinson, Will Eadson, Deborah Platts-Fowler and Aimee Walshaw

Housing and place
Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation

Evaluation of the Working Well Early Help programme

Client: Greater Manchester Combined Authority| Staff: Richard Crisp, Aimee Ambrose, Elaine Batty, Ian Wilson, Steve Parkes and Elizabeth Sanderson. From the University of Salford: Lisa Scullion Jenny Ceolta-Smith and Andrea Gibbons

Policy research and evaluation
Inclusive economy

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