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Research into the early construction messages emerging from the Innovative Housing Programme

Client: Welsh Government | Staff: Aimee Ambrose, Emma Bimpson, Tom Archer and Beth Speake

Sustainable futures
Housing and place

Monetising health benefits of energy efficiency programmes

Client: Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC)| Staff: LSHTM: Paul Wilkinson, Zaid Chalabi, Emma Hutchinson, James Milner; UCL: Mike Davies, Tadj Oreszczyn, Ian Hamilton, Ian Ridley, Phil Biddulph, Sung Hong; CRESR: Geoff Green, Jan Gilbertson, Ian Wilson, Bernard Stafford; Warwick: David Ormandy; Ulster: Christine Liddell, Chris Morris Tool Development: UCL: Ian Hamilton, Ian Ridley, Andrew Smith; LSHTM: James Milner, Zaid Chalabi, CRESR: Ian Wilson

Policy research and evaluation
Sustainable futures

DECC Fuel Poverty Health Booster evaluation

Client: Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC), East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Durham County Council, Amber Valley Borough Council, Derby City Council, Derbyshire County Council, Wigan Council, Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council | Staff: Will Eadson and Mike Foden

Sustainable futures

Low Carbon Leicester and Leicestershire

Client: Leicester and Leicestershire Local Enterprise Partnership| Staff: Will Eadon, Mike Foden, Tony Gore and Karl Dalgleish (KaDa Research)

Sustainable futures

ESRC Seminar Series: The health impact of cold homes and fuel poverty

Client: ESRC | Staff: Principal Applicant – Prof Angela Tod; Co-applicants - Jan Gilbertson, Prof Christine Liddell, Catherine Homer and Anna Ryan

Housing and place
Sustainable futures

Just Retrofit! Governance of housing retrofit for a just and decarbonised regional economy

Client: Sheffield Hallam University | Staff: Rachel Macrorie, Dawn Witherley, Will Eadson

Sustainable futures

Understanding and Effectively Engaging Hard to Reach Energy Users

Client: The International Energy Agency (IEA) Technology Collaboration Programme | Staff: Aimee Ambrose, Jan Gilbertson, Alvaro Castano Garcia , Dr Sea Rotmann (IEA, Operating Agent), Dr Luis Mundaca (Lund University, Sweden), Kira Ashby (Consortium for Energy Efficiency, USA) and Dr Kim O’Sullivan (University of Otago, New Zealand)

Sustainable futures

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