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Found 124 items for the search term biosciences

BMRC Masters student paper in Biosciences Horizons

Based on her project data while a Masters student under Dr Neil Cross, Henna Khalid has had her paper PAD4 Inhibitors

Staff profiles


See profiles for every Department of Biosciences and Chemistry staff member with information about their research interests and academic publications

The Sheffield Multimodal Imaging Centre

The Sheffield Multimodal Imaging Centre (SMIC) is a research and development facility bringing together industry-recognised equipment and expertise in biosciences, health and materials.

NEPG Conference, Newcastle University

Four PhD students attended the North-East Postgraduate Conference which is the UK's largest annual postgraduate conference for medical biosciences

BMRC staff receive Inspirational Teaching and Inspirational Research Supervisor Award

Dr Haywood-Small (Department of Biosciences & Chemistry) has been awarded an award for Inspirational Teaching, whilst Dr Sarah Forbes was received an Inspirational Research Supervisor Award.

Dr David Smith awarded HE Bioscience Teacher Of The Year 2019

The Royal Society of Biology's Heads of University Biosciences (HUBS) has named Dr David Smith, as winner of the HE Bioscience Teacher of the Year Award 2019

Staff profiles

Alison Cross

Alison was appointed as a lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University following a PhD in neuroimmunology, and six years post-doctoral research in Neuroscience

Staff profiles

Fran Ludwig

Staff profiles

Karen Stanley

I currently teach microbiology across our programmes and lead postgraduate modules in Infection and Immunity, Professional Development, Biomedical Sciences research project module and a second year undergraduate module Applied Ecology and Environmental Biosciences

Accessibility of Science group

Accessibility of Science Research Group aims to explore how students and the general public engage with bioscience and chemistry-related subjects.


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