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Case studies

Why do we like to touch some objects more than others?

Interactive Objects are designed to behave in particular ways when they are handled – for example gaming controllers that vibrate, or children’s toys that light up or make noise when squeezed. When interactive objects are under development, it is important for designers to understand how people will react to them, and what might make objects more aesthetically appealing. This is where psychology comes in.

Case studies

Project SAFE YOU: Fighting Steroid Use in Sports through Behavioural Science

Project SAFE YOU was funded by the Erasmus+ Sport Programme of the European Commission in order to assess the prevalence of Performance Enhancing Drug use in recreational and competitive sports and related psychological risk factors and to develop innovative, web-based resources that will help athletes and exercisers make informed choices.

Case studies

CFHealthHub: Supporting people with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) to increase adherence to nebuliser treatment

CFHealthHub is a research programme, funded by National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) to develop and evaluate an intervention to support Adherence to treatment in adults with Cystic Fibrosis.

Neuro-Cognitive Testing

Neuro cognitive testing uses non-invasive methods to explore impairments to the brain and the resulting changes to cognition and behaviour.

Applying psychological theories and research methods

We have expertise in a wide range of psychological theories and research methods which are central to all projects involving how people learn, think and respond to their environment.

Behavioural Science, Behaviour Change and Well-Being

We have expertise in the development of behaviour change interventions and interventions to improve well-being which are based on psychological theory and behavioural science.

Find a clearing course

There’s a huge variety of degrees and foundation years available through clearing. We're here to make sure you find the right clearing course for you.

How to apply

Get step-by-step instructions on how to apply through clearing, so you know exactly what to expect.

Can I use clearing?

Most people apply through clearing because they didn't get the grades they hoped for or they had a change of heart about going to university. Find out who clearing is for here.

Clearing opening times

Our phone lines and application forms open and close at different times from August to October. You can view our full timetables here.


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