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Found 62 items for the search term creative writing

Humanities research

The Humanities Research Centre brings together the work of English, Stage and Screen and History and is based at City Campus. The research centre supports the research funding, strategy and development of the three humanities areas

Staff profiles

Jessica Mason

Profile of Jessica Mason, Senior Lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University


Research Degree - Working through Fragments: Fictionalising the Archive

Archives have an index and usually collections have an inventory. These unambiguous taxonomical devices are grounded in the idea that what they present is fact. Just as the dictionary and encyclopedia are structures to which we refer in order to be informed, so are the index and the archive.

‘We build digital spaces to tackle global challenges through the humanities’

PhD students Rose and Elin develop digital spaces where humanities academic can meet, mingle and merge ideas.

Staff profiles

John Goodby

John Goodby,Professor of Arts and Culture

Staff profiles

David Clarke

David teaches Media Law, regulation and ethics on the undergraduate and postgraduate journalism courses

Staff profiles

Ana Maria Sanchez-Arce

Ana develops, leads and teaches on Literature and Creative Writing modules at undergraduate and postgraduate level and conducts research on 20th and 21st century literature

Staff profiles

Dr Henry Bell

I am an academic and practitioner specialising in Applied Theatre, Actor Training, Creative Writing, Theatre-in-the-Round, Early Modern Drama, Theatre and Phenomenology and Creative Industries Employability pedagogy

Institutions participating in exchanges with Sheffield Hallam University

This is a complete list of all our exchange partners. If your institution and main subject area are listed then you can apply to come to Sheffield Hallam via your exchange co-ordinator.

Staff profiles

Dr Alison Twells

I teach modules on nineteenth- and twentieth-century British social and cultural history, with a particular focus on working-class communities, gender, black history, regional history, public history and heritage


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