Search results

Search results

Found 566 items for the search term teach

Staff profiles

Heather Wain

I work half time within Secondary Teacher Education as a Senior Lecturer in physics education and half time in the Centre for Science Education as a Professional Development Leader for the Science Learning Centre Yorkshire and the Humber

Staff profiles

Roger Bateman

I am Head of Department for Art and Design

Staff profiles

Iain Garner

Dean of College, Social Science and Arts

Staff profiles

Heather Drury-Smith

I am a Senior Lecturer in the Radiotherapy and Oncology department

Staff profiles

Iain Garner

Dean of College, Social Science and Arts

School Direct

Initial teacher training is changing, and the introduction of the School Direct programme gives schools an even more important role in creating tomorrow’s teachers

Staff profiles

Diane Rodgers

Staff profile for Diane Rodgers

Staff profiles

Katherine Albertson

Katherine joined the team at the Department of Law and Criminology in 2014

Staff profiles

Claire Drewery

Claire is a Senior Lecturer in English literature and has been Course Leader for BA English Literature since September 2015

Staff profiles

Tig Slater

Staff profile for Tig Slater, Senior Lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University


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