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Found 418 items using the filter:

The impact of incapacity benefit reform

Client: Sheffield Hallam University | Staff: Christina Beatty and Steve Fothergill

Inclusive economy

Collating and targeting evidence to achieve domains in the Public Health Outcomes Framework: How to reduce fuel poverty, excess winter death and illness

Client: CLAHRC-SY| Staff: Professor Chris Bentley, Professor Geoff Green, Jan Gilbertson, Catherine Homer, Dr Paul Redgrave, Dr Bernard Stafford and Professor Angela Tod.

Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation

Evaluation of the Working Well Early Help programme

Client: Greater Manchester Combined Authority| Staff: Richard Crisp, Aimee Ambrose, Elaine Batty, Ian Wilson, Steve Parkes and Elizabeth Sanderson. From the University of Salford: Lisa Scullion Jenny Ceolta-Smith and Andrea Gibbons

Policy research and evaluation
Inclusive economy

Scoping Study on Violence Against Women

Client: Big Lottery Fund | Staff: Ryan Powell, Jude Bennington, Sadie Parr and Kesia Reeve

Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation

Offender Peer Interventions: What do we know?

Client: HEIF| Staff: Del Fletcher and Elaine Batty

Inclusive economy

Neighbourhood Resilience in Sheffield

Client: Sheffield City Council| Staff: Deborah Platts-Fowler and David Robinson

Inclusive economy
Housing and place

Evaluation of London Reducing Reoffending Programmes

Client: Crown Prosecution Service | Staff: Kevin Wong, GHK, Sheffield Hallam University and Manchester Metropolitan University

Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation

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