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Found 418 items using the filter:

Direct Payment of Housing Benefit: Are Social Landlords Ready?

Client: Housing Partners | Authors: Steve Green, Kesia Reeve, David Robinson and Elizabeth Sanderson

Housing and place
Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation

Healthy ageing profiles: Guidance for producing local health profiles of older people

Client: Sunderland City Council | Authors: Lena Kanström, Gianna Zamaro, Claes Sjöstedt and Geoff Green

Inclusive economy

Overcoming deprivation and disconnection in UK cities

Client: Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) | Authors: Alasdair Rae, Ruth Hamilton, Rich Crisp and Ryan Powell

Housing and place
Inclusive economy

DLA claimants – a new assessment: The characteristics and aspirations of the Incapacity Benefit claimants who receive

Client: Department for Work and Pensions | Authors: Christina Beatty, Steve Fothergill and Deborah Platts-Fowler

Inclusive economy

Sheffield Worklessness Study

Client: Sheffield City Council | Authors: Richard Crisp, Steve Fothergill, Tony Gore and Deborah Platts-Fowler

Inclusive economy

Doncaster Hospital Discharge Pathway Study: Interim Findings Report

Client: Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council | Authors: Nadia Bashir, Jan Gilbertson, Annette Haywood, Eleanor Holding and Angela Tod

Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation
Voluntary and community sector

Doncaster Hospital Discharge Pathway Study: Final Report

Client: Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council | Authors: Nadia Bashir, Jan Gilbertson, Annette Haywood, Eleanor Holding and Angela Tod

Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation
Voluntary and community sector

The New Deal for Communities Programme: Volume three - Making deprived areas better places to live

Client: Communities and Local Government (CLG) | Authors: Elaine Batty, Christina Beatty, Mike Foden, Paul Lawless, Sarah Pearson and Ian Wilson

Inclusive economy
Housing and place
Policy research and evaluation

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