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Polymer formulation

There are a large number of commercially available additives that enable polymers to perform important functions over a wide range of conditions

Materials analysis and spectroscopy
Polymers and nanocomposites

Modelling Clay Polymer Nanocomposites

In collaboration with Prof Chris Breen and colleagues, we have been using molecular-resolution simulations of clay galleries to investigate detailed structural behaviours that underpin coating treatments used for food packaging applications.

Materials analysis
Polymers and nanocomposites

Industrial Heat Recovery (IHRS) Grants Scheme

The Industrial Heat Recovery Support (IHRS) Programme is a competitive grant funding programme. In Sheffield Hallam University we offer to support your business in this programme through many ways from writing up the grant application to feasibility study.

Polymers and composites
Polymers and nanocomposites
Business, Technology and Enterprise
Sustainability and process simulation
Renewable energy

Elemental analysis

We can perform elemental analysis on a wide range of materials by using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF). We have a state-of-the-art X-ray Fluorescence spectrometer that can provide manufacturers with detailed information on the composition of solids, powders and liquids.

Analysis of polymers minerals and organic inorganic complexes
Ceramic materials and powders
Materials analysis
Polymers and composites
Polymers and nanocomposites

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