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Doncaster Hospital Discharge Pathway Study: Interim Findings Report

Client: Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council | Authors: Nadia Bashir, Jan Gilbertson, Annette Haywood, Eleanor Holding and Angela Tod

Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation
Voluntary and community sector

Evaluation of the Working Neighbourhoods Pilot: Final report

Client: Department for Work and Pensions | Authors: Sara Dewson, Jo Casebourne, Alison Darlow, Tim Bickerstaffe, Del Roy Fletcher, Tony Gore and Shuba Krishnan

Housing and place
Inclusive economy

Community-led approaches to reducing poverty in neighbourhoods: A review of evidence and practice

Client: Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) | Authors: Richard Crisp, Lindsey McCarthy, Sadie Parr, Sarah Pearson

Housing and place
Inclusive economy

Tackling Worklessness in NDC areas - a policy and practice update - Some lessons from the New Deal for Communities Programme

Client: Communities and Local Government (CLG) | Authors: Scott Dickinson, Charlotte Clarke, Luke Delahunty, Joseph Duggett, Anthony Earnshaw and Malcolm Williams SQW Consultin

Inclusive economy
Housing and place
Policy research and evaluation

The productivity of industries and places

Client: Sheffield Hallam University | Authors: Christina Beatty and Steve Fothergill

Inclusive economy
Housing and place

The impact of welfare reform in the Valleys

Client: Industrial Communities Alliance (Wales) | Authors: Christina Beatty, Steve Fothergill

Inclusive economy

Getting-by', Coping and Resilience in Difficult Times: Final Report

Client: OFMDFM | Authors: Paul Hickman, Elaine Batty, Chris Dayson, John Flint, Mike Foden, Jenny Muir, Aimee Ambrose, Steve Green

Housing and place
Inclusive economy

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