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Found 41 items for the search term humanities research centre

Research centres

Research centres that come under the Cultural Communication and Computing Research Institute at Sheffield Hallam University

Questioning the limits of science and science fiction

Novelist explores gender politics in science as well as the teenage voice in literature to devise her award-winning recent novel

The historic role of women in the countryside

Dr Verdon highlights the importance of women as farmers and labourers in the 19th and 20th century

Teaching new perspectives on twentieth century German history at GCSE and A-Level

Investigating overlooked aspects of pre-1945 Germany leads to new approaches to History teaching

Staff profiles

Dr Henry Bell

I am an academic and practitioner specialising in Applied Theatre, Actor Training, Creative Writing, Theatre-in-the-Round, Early Modern Drama, Theatre and Phenomenology and Creative Industries Employability pedagogy

Staff profiles

Laura Evans

My PhD research explored the social history of mass resettlement into one of South Africa's Bantustans, the Ciskei. It examined the variety of experiences that relocation engendered, the modes of survival that these upheavals necessitated and the political effects that this process had in bolstering the local power of Bantustan elites. This research will be published in my forthcoming monograph. I am interested in bringing some of the insights of this research to bear in contemporary and comparative contexts. I have done research on some of the more recent off-farm settlements produced as a result of farm evictions in post-apartheid South Africa.

Remembering early women activists

Historical research underpins new plans to commemorate nineteenth-century feminists

Staff profiles

Marie-Cecile Thoral

I joined Sheffield Hallam in October 2010 after having been a temporary lecturer in France, at the University of Grenoble (2004-2006), a post-doctoral research fellow at the University of York (2006-2008) and a senior lecturer in modern history at the University of Coventry (2008-2010).

Staff profiles

Alice Bell

My research specialisms are stylistics (including cognitive poetics), narratology (including possible worlds theory), and digital fiction. My teaching reflects my research interests and I teach on a range of modules and supervise postgraduate students across the English programme

Staff profiles

Charles Mundye

I am a Fellow of the English Association, and President of the Robert Graves Society. My role at Sheffield Hallam University is Deputy Head and Head of Academic Development in the Department of Humanities.


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