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Found 62 items for the search term creative writing

Geri Halliwell-Horner gives guest lecture to ‘wannabe’ writers

Geri Halliwell-Horner has marked the one-year anniversary of receiving her honorary doctorate with a guest lecture to Sheffield Hallam creative writing and marketing students and a book reading with local school children at the University.

University news
Staff profiles

Yvonne Battle-Felton

Yvonne is a Lecturer in Creative Writing and Creative Industries

Hallam writing talent to be showcased at 30th Off the Shelf Festival of Words

Sheffield Hallam University is set to showcase some of its most successful writers at this year’s Off the Shelf Festival of Words – with an aim to encourage others to get involved with creative writing.


Sophie Parkes-Nield

Profile for Sophie Parkes-Nield, Associate Lecturer in Creative Writing

Staff profiles

Dr Shelley Roche-Jacques

I bring to my teaching my interest in dramatic action and the spatio-temporal elements of texts. This approach often helps students unpick ideas around genre, narrative perspective and voice.


2nd European Design4Health conference

Booking is now open for the 2nd European Conference on Design4Health

Staff profiles

Chris Jones

Chris Jones is a poet and collaborator on artistic projects

'We volunteer at creative workshops for schools at a local charity.'

English and Education undergraduate students are helping young people in South Yorkshire with creaitve writing.

Staff profiles

Harriet Earle

I joined the Department of Humanities as a Lecturer in English and Creative Writing in 2017. My research focuses on representations of violence and trauma in visual culture, especially comics.

‘I went from screen actress to entrepreneurial wordsmith’

When distinguished actress Letty Butler edited an annual collection of creative writing as part of her masters, she opened the door to an entrepreneurial career in copywriting, coaching and literature.


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