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Human Robot Co-working

The concept of Human Robot Co-working entails robots working in close proximity to human co-workers. The robots increase the productivity of human workers, whilst simultaneously reducing the risk of workplace injury – for example due to repetitive heavy lifting.

Applying artificial Intelligence to the Industrial Internet-of-Things

This research proposes the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques (including machine learning, intelligent signal processing, and advanced computer vision techniques) in analysing these large scale data sets to enable both remote condition monitoring of machinery and advanced process optimisation.

Advanced real-time control and optimisation of mixed fermentation of beers

This PhD project will focus on developing, improving and optimising advanced real-time control strategies in mixed fermentation.


Designing advanced clean steam generators

There is a huge commercial opportunity for clean steam production systems. The aim of this project is to overcome sever challenges we currently face including: (i) develop understanding of chloride-related corrosion at higher temperatures, (ii) applying numerical modelling techniques to analyse the thermal and mechanical stresses in the steam equipment, (iii) optimise the design numerically and analytically, (iv) test a scaled-prototype to validate the numerical model, (v) validate the model with an industrial-scale clean steam generator available with the industrial partner.

Particle and powder flows during industrial processes

The conduct of this project would help to gain deeper physical and theoretical insights into the granular processes involved with segregation, mixing, avalanching, shock surface and rheology etc., hence providing guidance to relevant application problems.

Case Studies

Case studies and research conducted at Thin Films Research Centre

The National HIPIMS Technology Centre

The High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HIPIMS) technology has been upscaled for the first time at Sheffield Hallam University and is now marketed by the industry worldwide

Staff profiles

Thin Films Research Centre Staff

Contact details for staff at the Thin Films Research Centre.

Electronic Materials and Sensors Research Group

The Electronic Materials and Sensors Group is a highly active research group led by IM Dharmadasa, who is the Professor of Electronic Materials and Devices, and currently focusing on Solar Energy conversion


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