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Learning and Evaluation Partner

Client: Nationwide Foundation | Staff: Sarah Pearson, Ed Ferrari, Tom Archer, Ben Pattison, Steve Green, Lindsey McCarthy, Del Fletcher and Julian Dobson (Urban Pollinators

Housing and place
Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation

Exploring homelessness among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender+ people

Client: Government Equalities Office| Staff: Kesia Reeve, Lindsey McCarthy, Elaine Batty, Sadie Parr and Eleanor Formby (CDARE)

Housing and place

Evaluation of Black Thrive

Client: Healthwatch Lambeth| Staff: Chris Dayson, Ellen Bennett and Nadia Bashir

Voluntary and community sector

State of the Voluntary, Community and Enterprise Sector in Greater Manchester

Client: Salford CVS and partners | Staff: Elizabeth Sanderson and Chris Damm

Voluntary and community sector

Understanding the mental health needs of homeless people in Nottingham

Client: Nottingham City Clinical Commissioning Group | Staff: Kesia Reeve, Lindsey McCarthy, Chris Dayson, Ben Pattison, Nadia Bashir, Elaine Batty, Sadie Parr and Angela Maye-Banbury

Housing and place

Reaching the hardest to reach and highly vulnerable in energy advice and support

Client: The Higher Education Innovation Fund | Staff: Aimee Ambrose, Elaine Batty, Will Eadson and William Baker, Citizens Advice

Sustainable futures

The housing challenges of younger people in the south east: what can housing associations do to help?

Client: Consortium of Housing Associations in the South East (CASE) | Staff: Kesia Reeve, Ben Pattison, Steve Green and Ian Wilson

Housing and place

Lewisham Borough Trailblazer: Exploring the Causes

Client: London Borough of Lewisham Council | Staff: Sadie Parr, Elaine Batty, Kesia Reeve and Mark Stevens

Housing and place

The Contemporary Labour Market in Older Industrial Britain

Client: Higher Education Innovation Funding (HEIF) | Staff: Christina Beatty and Steve Fothergill

Inclusive economy

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