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Found 10146 items

Full Time Split PhD Students

Elishia Loo and Mavis Chaw postgraduate research story

Celebrating Women in Engineering

Celebrating 100 years of International Women in Engineering Day on June 23 2019. We are sharing Katrina's story of why she chose engineering

Examples of Previous Research Opportunities

A list of past and present PhD research opportunities at Sheffield Hallam University's Materials and Engineering Research Institute

Applications of Advanced Control and Optimisation in Battery Energy Storage System

This PhD project will focus on investigating model predictive control and optimisation methods and their applications in BESS

Aqueous Erosion Corrosion Studies of PVD coatings

Sheffield Hallam University is offering studies in Aqueous Erosion Corrosion Studies of PVD coatings

Energy and Environmental Applications and Spectroscopy of Glasses and Ceramics

The range of Energy and Environmental applications of glasses and ceramics is vast, find out more about PhD and MPhil projects in this very important, topical and rewarding field of research

Robotics and dementia: Design a robot as a companion for people suffering from dementia

The project's aim is to design a companion robot which will move around in a residential area, home or care home.

Power system estimation based on deep learning and system area mapping

The aim of this study is to develop a deep learning based power system state.


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