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Lee Rowley

Lee Rowley is a part-time PhD student aiming to investigate and evaluate the biomechanical performance parameters related to first hurdle step strategy in the 110m sprint hurdles.

Rick Shuttleworth

Richard's programme of work investigates the role of affordances on adaptive behaviour in sport

Adam Sotheran

Adam is a part-time PhD student at the Centre for Sports Engineering Research, studying while working full-time in his role as Head of Sports Science and Medicine at British Diving

Linda Van Gelder

Linda is a PhD student in the Centre for Sports Engineering Research at Sheffield Hallam University, studying the effect of biofeedback in a yet to be specified patient group

Martyn Rothwell

Martyn's area of research involves investigating the impact of socio-cultural-historical constraints on motor learning and the acquisition of sport expertise

Emma Sconce

For her PhD, Emma is aiming to undertake research in the area of hamstring injury-risk assessment, investigating the mechanism and subsequent ability to predict muscle injury in athletes, developing and using equipment that is real-word friendly and useful for coaches in the field.

Manuela Paulina Trejo Ramirez

For her PhD Manuela is investigating the biomechanical effects of football shoes on the ankle joint, focusing primarily on preventing injuries and enhancing players' performance

Harvey Anderson

For his Professional Doctorate, Harvey is looking to discover whether expert fast bowling coaches have a model or theory about the fast bowling technique and, if so, what it is and where it comes from.

Shaun Barratt

Shaun is a PhD student within the Sports Engineering Research Group

Ashley Bagley

Ashley is a part-time PhD research student at CSER, having joined Sheffield Hallam in 2017. His particular area of research is investigating the effect of the bend on sprint running.


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