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Found 9975 items

The NDC Programme: Outputs and expenditure over the period 1999-2007

Client: Communities and Local Government (CLG) | Authors: Peter Tyler, Angela Brennan and Colin Warnock

Housing and place
Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation

Tenancy sustainment amongst those aged under 35: executive summary

Client: Hyde Housing Group and partners | Authors: Aimee Ambrose, Will Eadson, Paul Hickman, Lindsey McCarthy

Housing and place

Understanding the economic contribution of the social economy at a neighbourhood level: Final Report

Client: OFMDFM | Authors: Chris Dayson, Paul Hickman, Aimee Ambrose, Elaine Batty, Ellen Bennett, Jenny Muir

Policy research and evaluation
Voluntary and community sector

Low Carbon Leicester and Leicestershire research study

Client: Leicester and Leicestershire Local Enterprise Partnership | Authors: Karl Dalgleish, Will Eadson, Mike Foden, Tony Gore

Sustainable futures

Helping Communities Build: A review of the Community Land Trust Funds and lessons for future support

Client: Charities Aid Foundation (CAF Venturesome) | Authors: Tom Archer, Stephen Green with Charlie Fisher

Voluntary and community sector

Homeless people’s experiences of welfare conditionality and benefit sanctions

Client: Crisis | Authors: Elaine Batty, Christina Beatty, Rionach Casey, Mike Foden, Lindsey McCarthy, Kesia Reeve

Housing and place
Inclusive economy

Estimating Homelessness in Rural Areas

Client: Countryside Agency | Authors: David Robinson

Housing and place
Policy research and evaluation

Talent Match Evaluation: Youth Employment Partnerships

Client: Big Lottery Fund | Authors: Chris Damm, Anne Green, Sarah Pearson, Elizabeth Sanderson and Peter Wells

Policy research and evaluation
Inclusive economy

The Private Rented Sector in West Yorkshire: Final Report

Client: West Yorkshire Housing Partnership | Authors: Paul Hickman, Nigel Sprigings, Emma McCoulough and Ian Cole

Housing and place

Reaching the 'Hardest to Reach' with energy advice: final report

Client: The Higher Education Innovation Fund | Authors: Aimee Ambrose, William Baker, Elaine Batty and Anna Hawkins

Sustainable futures

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