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Houses into Homes Second Interim Evaluation Report

Client: Welsh Government | Authors: Will Eadson, Stephen Green, Kesia Reeve, David Robinson and Ian Wilson

Housing and place
Policy research and evaluation

Overcoming deprivation and disconnection in UK cities

Client: Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) | Authors: Alasdair Rae, Ruth Hamilton, Rich Crisp and Ryan Powell

Housing and place
Inclusive economy

The New Deal for Communities Programme: Volume three - Making deprived areas better places to live

Client: Communities and Local Government (CLG) | Authors: Elaine Batty, Christina Beatty, Mike Foden, Paul Lawless, Sarah Pearson and Ian Wilson

Inclusive economy
Housing and place
Policy research and evaluation

Assessment of the need for furniture provision for new NIHE tenants

Client: Northern Ireland Housing Executive | Authors: Aimee Ambrose, Elaine Batty, Will Eadson, Paul Hickman and George Quinn

Housing and place

The New Deal for Communities Programme: Volume five - Exploring and explaining change in regeneration schemes

Client: Communities and Local Government (CLG) | Authors: Christina Beatty, Mike Foden, Paul Lawless and Ian Wilson

Inclusive economy
Housing and place
Policy research and evaluation

Regeneration revival? Making housing-led regeneration work across England

Client: Chartered Institute of Housing | Authors: Ben Pattison, Peter Tyler, Peter Wells, Ian Wilson

Housing and place
Policy research and evaluation

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