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Commercial Services

Sheffield Hallam works with businesses of all sizes in a range of sectors. Whether you’re a local SME or global corporation, we can use our diverse skills and experience to make a real impact on your organisation



The Cultural, Communication and Computing Research Institute has a strong track record of pioneering work in practice-centred and applied research

How to apply

We are keen to receive applications from anyone who believes that they have the ability to complete a PhD (or MPhil) with the C3RI

Centre for Culture, Media and Society

Find out about our centre's research into cultural, social and media practices, and how you can work with us

Art, Design and Media Research Centre

Find out about ADMRC's arts-led applied research, contact our staff and learn about working with us

Support for postgraduate students

We offer a vibrant community for postgraduates to work closely with experienced academics to develop their knowledge and expertise


Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing is a collaborative, goal-oriented style of communication with a particular attention to the language of change.


Intermediate Motivational Interviewing Workshop

We offer training and supervision for practitioners wishing to develop skills in MI whatever their level of experience and setting within which they work.


Introductory Motivational Interviewing Workshop

We offer training and supervision for practitioners wishing to develop skills in MI whatever their level of experience and setting within which they work.


Maternal Obesity Conference

Conference advert, agenda, registration form and fee for our 2nd maternal obesity conference held on October 22nd at Slimming World Headquarters.


Cancel event

Are you sure you want to cancel your place on Saturday 12 November?
