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Found 10146 items

Community Led Social Prescribing

Client: Local Trust| Staff: Chris Dayson, Ellie Munro, Cathy Harris, Olivia Engle, Anthea Terry

Voluntary and community sector

Inclusion Plan Evidence Base

Client: South Yorkshire Combined Authority | Staff: Richard Crisp, Tina Beatty, Tony Gore, Ed Ferrari and Joe McMullan

Inclusive economy

BAME Community-led Housing: Barriers, Opportunities and Good Practice

Staff: Claude Hendrickson, Henri Baptiste, Tom Moore, Yael Arbell

Housing and place

Organisations supporting community control and decision-making

Client: Local Trust | Staff: Julian Dobson, Tony Gore, Rob Macmillan

Voluntary and community sector

Building pathways to an inclusive skilled labour force to decarbonise existing UK homes: Shared insights from across Britain and leading EU Member States

Client: Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) Centre | Staff: Rachel Macrorie, Will Eadson, Hadi Arbabi, May Zune, Kate Simpson. Faye Wade, Richard Hanna

Sustainable futures

Groundwork Quality Assessment and Impact Evaluation Framework

Client: Groundwork UK | Staff: Tony Gore, Chris Dayson, Ian Wilson and Will Eadson

Policy research and evaluation
Sustainable futures
Voluntary and community sector

Stockport Council NESTA evaluation

Client: Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council | Staff: Sarah Pearson, Chris Dayson, Jan Gilbertson and Elizabeth Sanderson

Voluntary and community sector
Policy research and evaluation

HEIF Public Engagement in the Social Sciences and Humanities

Client: SHU | Staff: Professor Christina Beatty, Professor Steve Fothergill and Mike Foden

Inclusive economy

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