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Found 566 items for the search term teach

Staff profiles

Lee Bell

Lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University

Staff profiles

John Adesola

John Adesola

Staff profiles

Rebecca Hartley

I am Module Leader for the Law in Practice, Legal Skill and Research and the Dissertation modules on the LLM in International Commercial Law. I am also the Module Leader for Forensic Criminology 2: Issues in Policy and Practice module on the MSc Forensic Criminology Course. I am also joint module lead for the Academic and Legal Foundations module on the LLB degree. In additional to leadership roles, I teach on the Policing, Forensic Criminology 1: Conceptual and Methodological Issues modules as well as being a dissertation supervisor on the LLB, LLM, Criminology and MSc degrees.

Adriano Cerminara

Adriano Cerminara

Staff profiles

Thomas Bassindale

Staff profile for Dr Thomas Bassindale, Deputy Head of Department of Biosciences and Chemistry at Sheffield Hallam University

Staff profiles

Sukey Tarr

Staff profiles

Dr Bridget Ogharanduku

I teach on the financial and management accounting modules and support students in achieving their educational and career ambitions.

Staff profiles

Dr Katie Hanson

Staff profile for Dr Katie Hanson, Senior Lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University

Staff profiles

Harriet Tarlo

I am a poet and academic who has been practising, publishing and teaching since the early nineties. I have taught at Sheffield Hallam since 2007 and was for three years the Course leader for the MA Writing

Emma Sconce

For her PhD, Emma is aiming to undertake research in the area of hamstring injury-risk assessment, investigating the mechanism and subsequent ability to predict muscle injury in athletes, developing and using equipment that is real-word friendly and useful for coaches in the field.


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