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'I conduct tests to change and improve the future of sports technology.'

'I conduct tests to change and improve the future of sports technology.'

'The discounted fee can help you pursue your goals with less financial worries'

Rosie studied an undergraduate degree before doing a Masters with the Class of 2020 further study discount.

'I researched relevant, interesting topics and gained useful career skills'

After completion of her undergraduate degree in Sport Development and Coaching, Hannah Pike decided to continue studying at Hallam, taking an LLM International Sports Law.

Placement Providers

Midwifery Placement Providers


Midwifery - allocation

Roles and Responsibilities

Roles and responsibilities information for midwifery at Sheffield Hallam University.


Midwifery Handbooks

Placement Calendars

Midwifery Placement Calendars


Assessment information for midwifery at Sheffield Hallam University.

Preparation (Students Must Read)

Preparation for practice placement learning


Cancel event

Are you sure you want to cancel your place on Saturday 12 November?
