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Scoping Study on Violence Against Women

Client: Big Lottery Fund | Staff: Ryan Powell, Jude Bennington, Sadie Parr and Kesia Reeve

Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation

Evaluation of London Reducing Reoffending Programmes

Client: Crown Prosecution Service | Staff: Kevin Wong, GHK, Sheffield Hallam University and Manchester Metropolitan University

Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation

Advice on the Development of a Neighbourhood Baselining Approach

Client: Sheffield Housing Company| Staff: Sarah Pearson and Ian Wilson

Policy research and evaluation
Housing and place

Measuring Out Impact

Client: Online Centres Foundation| Staff: Peter Wells and Chris Dayson

Voluntary and community sector
Policy research and evaluation

Impact evaluation of the Volunteer for Stronger Communities project

Client: Volunteering England | Staff: Richard Crisp, Chris Dayson, Sarah Pearson, Nadia Bashir and Jan Gilbertson

Voluntary and community sector
Policy research and evaluation

The Big Tenant Survey

Client: Housing Partners | Staff: David Robinson, Ian Wilson, Ben Pattinson and Mike Foden

Housing and place
Policy research and evaluation

Foundations Independent Living Trust (FILT) Warm Homes Evaluation

Client: Foundations Independent Living Trust (FILT) | Staff: Jan Gilbertson, Professor Angela Tod, Nadia Bashir, Elizabeth Sanderson and Ian Wilson

Housing and place
Sustainable futures
Policy research and evaluation

Talent Match Sheffield City Region Local Evaluation

Client: Sheffield Futures | Staff: Nadia Bashir, Chris Damm and Elizabeth Sanderson

Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation

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