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Found 10146 items

Tenancy sustainment amongst those aged under 35: executive summary

Client: Hyde Housing Group and partners | Authors: Aimee Ambrose, Will Eadson, Paul Hickman, Lindsey McCarthy

Housing and place

Housing, integration and segregation: A rapid literature review

Client: Communities and Local Government (CLG) | Authors: Tom Archer with Mark Stevens

Housing and place

Reaching the 'Hardest to Reach' with energy advice: final report

Client: The Higher Education Innovation Fund | Authors: Aimee Ambrose, William Baker, Elaine Batty and Anna Hawkins

Sustainable futures

West-Yorkshire Finding Independence (WY-FI): Effectiveness, outcomes and impact - Final evaluation report 2020

Client: DISC and Big Lottery Fund | Authors: Richard Crisp, Del Roy Fletcher, Sadie Parr and Ian Wilson

Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation

Better Housing, Better Health in London Lambeth

Client: Lambeth Council | Authors: Aimee Ambrose, Nadia Bashir, Mike Foden, Jan Gilbertson, Geoff Green and Bernard Stafford

Housing and place

Homes in Community Hands: Baseline Evaluation Report

Client: Power to Change | Authors: Tom Archer, Tom Moore and David Mullins

Housing and place

Tameside State of the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector 2017

Client: Action Together | Authors: Chris Damm, Ioannis Prinos and Elizabeth Sanderson

Voluntary and community sector

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