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Industrial Strategy and the Regions: The shortcomings of a narrow sectoral focus

Client: Sheffield Hallam University | Authors: Steve Fothergill, Tony Gore and Peter Wells

Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation

Building Capabilities in the Voluntary Sector: What the evidence tells us

Client: Big Lottery Fund | Authors: Rob Macmillan and Angela Ellis Paine, with Helen Kara, Chris Dayson, Elizabeth Sanderson and Peter Wells

Policy research and evaluation
Voluntary and community sector

Employer Involvement and Engagement

Client: Big Lottery Fund | Authors: Anne Green, Gaby Atfield and Sally-Anne Barnes

Policy research and evaluation
Inclusive economy

The impact of recent reforms to Local Housing Allowances: Summary of key findings

Client: DWP | Authors: Christina Beatty, Ian Cole, Ryan Powell, Peter Kemp, Mike Brewer, James Browne, Carl Emmerson, Andrew Hood, Robert Joyce

Housing and place
Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation

Evaluation of Heritage Lottery Fund’s First World War Centenary Activity: Year 2 report

Client: Heritage Lottery Fund | Authors: Ellen Bennett, Chris Dayson, Will Eadson and Mike Foden

Policy research and evaluation
Voluntary and community sector

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