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Project launched to assess financial impact of Covid-19 on professional football clubs

Academics are to analyse the financial impact of Covid-19 on professional football clubs in England and the wider impact on their communities.

Sport and physical activity
Sport economics
Business and management

Why the North should copy New Zealand and set a wellbeing budget

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, the UK Government – like most other governments across the globe – were obsessed by economic growth as the key measure of success. Growth brings prosperity, we were told; prosperity brings jobs and this is good. But what’s the point of all this prosperity if we’re just going to spend it all on healthcare? Wealth does not always equal health.

Active lifestyles
Feature and comment
Sport and physical activity

Overtraining syndrome: what it is and how to avoid it

There’s a thin line between working hard enough and working too hard. Pushing your body to reach new levels of fitness requires commitment, effort and a willingness to put yourself through intense, challenging workouts on a regular basis. But more isn’t always better. Without the right balance of rest and recovery you could end up spiralling into a long-term fatigue condition called overtraining syndrome.

Active lifestyles
Sport and physical activity

Water exercises as effective as gym workouts for preventing cardiovascular disease

New research by the University has found that water exercises are as effective as gym workouts for preventing cardiovascular disease

Sport and physical activity
Sport science

Re-imagining our place - Sheffield City Region, the healthiest place in the country to live and work

As the vaccine brings hope that things will ‘return to normal’, we should aim for normal to mean something different. How about a normal that eradicates inequalities in healthy life years within a generation?

University news
Sport and physical activity

Cancel event

Are you sure you want to cancel your place on Saturday 12 November?
