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Beneath the Skin

Beneath the Skin was an exhibition that brought together eight academic researchers working within the field of contemporary metalwork and jewellery in order to reveal the research that underpins the object.


Objects in Purgatory

The Campaign for Objects in Purgatory is a creative research project that collects the stories of uncherished gifts, which despite their negative associations for the owner, are still kept. These possessions offer rich potential for interpretation, because they usually embody a contradiction in emotional value; as much as a recipient might want to rid themselves of an uncherished gift, they may also feel compelled to keep it.


Contemporary Legend Research

Urban Legends are contemporary stories, told as true but incorporating ancient and modern elements from folklore


Exchange Brooches

The brooches pictured belong to a series of over 100, made for The Campaign for Objects in Purgatory. They were given to contributors to the Objects in Purgatory exhibition (Sheffield Institute of Arts Gallery 2011) in exchange for contributing their story or drawing of an uncherished gift. The project has been initiated and developed by designer Julia Keyte.


Research Degree - Resisting Arrest: Doubting the Art Object through Visual Translation

My PhD research seeks to investigate the nature of that interest in more detail and has moved towards a more nuanced approach, identifying and defining different types of copying in order to unlock new ways of pursuing my practice and speculating on new ways of understanding the work of others.


TIG welding in fine metalwork

This project explores the creative and technical application of TIG (tungsten inert gas) welding in the field of contemporary decorative metalwork. Developed in the 1940s for industrial use, TIG welding has shown great potential for innovation in fine (craft)metalworking but has been slow to penetrate the subject area because of the costly investment needed in equipment.


Things Wellcome Collection London

Keith Wilson built an empty museum-scale display structure, filled by visitors bringing single objects to the exhibition


Public art and Architectural metalwork

Contribution to regeneration programs through creative collaborations and the production of public artworks


SHINE - Design in Rehab

Teaching 'design thinking' skills to people with spinal cord injuries to increase self-efficacy. This project builds upon a pilot project 'design and rehabilitation' undertaken by the Lab4Living team supported by the Silvia Adams Trust and the Royal Society of Arts.


Shape of Things to Come

In this project Paul Chamberlain took a central role in introducing entirely new approaches to medical drug delivery connectors, using a haptic/cognitive approach to reduce problems of mismatching that have led to fatal accidents.


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