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Found 492 items for the search term teach

Staff profiles

Laura Blakemore

Laura Blakemore is Senior Lecturer in Advancing Clinical Practice at Sheffield Hallam University

Emily Patrick

Emily Patrick Senior Physiotherapy Lecturer Sheffield Hallam University

Staff profiles

Julia Stockton

Julia Stockton

Laura Machan

Laura Machan is a Lecturer in Psychology at Sheffield Hallam University.

Staff profiles

Catriona Hynes

I am a Senior Lecturer in Diagnostic Radiography here at Sheffield Hallam University.

Staff profiles

Anna Hawkins

I have been teaching subjects related to urban sustainability and resilience for the last 8 years and my research and teaching have evolved to focus upon sustainable consumption practices with a particular interest in sustainable food systems.

Stephanie Hannam-Swain

Staff profile

Staff profiles

Louise Burton

Louise Burton external web profile

Staff profiles

Sarah Burns

Sarah Burns is a Lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University in the Department of Nursing and Midwifery


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