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A hundred encounters with the wilful force of the tornado. Encounter represents images found on You Tube videos taken by ‘storm chasers’ in the USA. These often shaky images are taken in the heat of the moment, in pursuit of, or flight from the full force of the tornadoes.


Illuminated Carpet

Illuminated Carpet is a sculpture commissioned for 'Enlightenment. International Festival of Light', Durham, UK, in 2008. The image of a Persian carpet drawn in light, appeared to float above the surface of the river, responding to the rippling current, and to cast its reflected image below. The work drew together strands of the city’s histories, evoking Durham’s past without directly mirroring its historic icons.


Object Abuse

OA‘s function is to invite a multidisciplinary engagement: as a forum, a curatorial framework, and an archival space. It has been set up to provide a platform for people to discuss, provoke, and question the very nature and orientation of objects.


Virtuouso (dismembered Sonata for Hannah Arendt)

This performance explores the value of construing the human being as a quasi-musical instrument


Time will darken

Time will darken paper is a picture essay examining mimesis as a way to transform our understanding of key texts. The project applies the variorum scholarly technique of comparing variant versions of a text in a single collection to interrogate and reconstruct our view of historical narratives.



A critical inquiry into developing new methodologies and contexts for urban research, aiming to prototype a dialogue, which is both local and global


The Fair

Filmed from the quiet edges of a city centre car park The Fair documents the rotating arm of fairground ride appearing and then disappearing behind old industrial buildings and the John Lewis department store.


Objects + Ritual: Function - value - adornment

In this project, supported by funding from Arts Council, ACJ, and The Goldsmiths Company Maria Hanson and Chris Knight have investigated the role contemporary artefacts have within both identified rites of social passage and ritual acts found within domestic contexts.


Looking for Hyperborea – a search for a mythical North

This strand of Chloë Brown’s research considers notions of ‘Northerness’, specifically that found in the most Northern parts of Norway above the Arctic Circle and revolves around Hyperborea, a place in Greek mythology behind the north wind, where the sun never sets


The B in Philosophy

A long-term research engagement exploring the philosophical agency of live art and articulating shared concerns regarding the use of the body by philosophers and live artists.


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