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Found 426 items using the filter:

The Economic and Social Impact of Racing in Yorkshire

Client: Go Racing Yorkshire | Authors: Ian Wilson and David Leather

Policy research and evaluation

Process Evaluation of Plan Rationalisation

Client: Office for the Deputy Prime Minister | Authors: Peter Wells, Lynne Dowson, Janie Percy-Smith

Policy research and evaluation
Voluntary and community sector
Housing and place

The New Deal for Communities Programme: Volume five - Exploring and explaining change in regeneration schemes

Client: Communities and Local Government (CLG) | Authors: Christina Beatty, Mike Foden, Paul Lawless and Ian Wilson

Inclusive economy
Housing and place
Policy research and evaluation

Evaluation of the Trans-national Resettlement Project: UK and Ireland

Authors: David Robinson, Aimee Walshaw, Marcianne Uwimana, Bemba Bahati, Kesia Reeve, Nadia Bashir

Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation

South Yorkshire Objective 1 Programme Mid Term Evaluation

Client: Leeds Metropolitan University | Authors: Peter Wells, Suzanne Hanson, Alison Darlow, Chris Hill, Steve Johnson, Fiona Walton, Tony Gore, Christine Booth and Karen Escott

Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation

An Evaluation of the Deaf Third-Country Nationals Integration Project

Client: Sadie Parr, Nadia Bashir and David Robinson | Authors: United Kingdom Border Agency

Policy research and evaluation
Voluntary and community sector

Stockport Targeted Prevention Alliance

Client: Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council | Authors: Chris Damm, Chris Dayson, Jan Gilbertson and Sarah Pearson

Policy research and evaluation
Voluntary and community sector

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