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Found 408 items for the search term business school

Jude Langdon

Jude Langdon

Jia Liu

Staff profile for Dr Jia Liu, Senior Lecturer In Economics

Gosia Ciesielska

Staff profile for Gosia Ciesielska

Dr Matt Lilley

Profile for Dr Matt Lilley, member of the Audit and Risk Committee

Sameer Kothari

Profile for Sameer Kothari, member of the Audit and Risk Committee

Staff profiles

Nana Nyarko

My current teaching responsibilities span all levels in both the undergraduate and postgraduate Event Management courses in the Sheffield Business School at Sheffield Hallam University and also internationally in Hong Kong

Staff profiles

Cristina Lopez-Moreno

Senior Lecturer

Staff profiles

Vishal Parikh

Vishal is a senior lecturer in Information Systems, and teaching on both undergraduate and postgraduate courses run by the Department of Computing. He is also a Final Year Tutor on Business and Enterprise Programme and module leader for Entrepreneurship, Consultancy, and Project Management modules

Staff profiles

Lynne Booth

Lynne Booth is a senior lecturer in Organisational Behaviour at the Sheffield Business School and is the Course Leader for the MSc in Organisation Development and Consultancy. She works with clients from the National Health Service, local government and the Police Service, providing corporate development to teams and managers.

Staff profiles

Dr Craig Hirst

Dr Craig Hirst is a Senior Lecturer in the Food Subject Group in the Department of Service Sector Management.


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