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Evaluation of the British Red Cross ‘First Call’ Service for Older People

Client: British Red Cross | Staff: David Robinson, Nadia Bashir, Tony Gore, Steve Green, Lindsey McCarthy and Ian Wilson

Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation
Voluntary and community sector

Sanctions, Support and Behaviour Change: Understanding the Role and Impact of Welfare Conditionality

Client: ESRC | Staff: Del Roy Fletcher, Elaine Batty, Peter Dwyer (University of Salford), Sharon Wright (University of Stirling), John Flint (University of Sheffield), Suzanne Fitzpatrick (Heriot-Watt University) and Sarah Johnsen (Heriot-Watt University)

Inclusive economy

EDF Evaluation

Client: EDF Energy Trust and managed by Charis Grants Ltd | Staff: Jan Gilbertson, Professor Gareth Morgan, Chris Dayson and Aimee Walshaw

Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation
Sustainable futures

HEIF Public Engagement in the Social Sciences and Humanities

Client: SHU | Staff: Professor Christina Beatty, Professor Steve Fothergill and Mike Foden

Inclusive economy

Diversity in children’s literature

Client: Arts Council England | Staff: Cathy Harris, Bernie Stiell, Dave Leather and Cathy Burnett

Inclusive economy


Client: The Humber Learning Consortium | Nadia Bashir, Elizabeth Sanderson and Ian Wilson

Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation

The Impact of Welfare Reform in Northern Ireland

Client: Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action | Staff: Christina Beatty, Steve Fothergill and Tina Beatty

Inclusive economy

Our Bigger Story: the Longitudinal Multi Media Evaluation of Big Local

Client: Local Trust| Staff: Angus McCabe (TSRC, University of Birmingham), Rob Macmillan, Mandy Wilson (freelance researcher), Paul Morgans (independent film maker) and Matt Edwards (University of Birmingham)

Housing and place
Inclusive economy
Voluntary and community sector

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