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Helen Karditsas

Within her PhD Helen will be working closely with the ITF to perform a series of laboratory based experiments reviewing the way in which the ball impacts on a tennis racket

Louise Burnie

Louise Burnie is a PhD student in the Centre for Sport Engineering Research, working in collaboration with the English Institute for Sport and British Cycling

Ian Gatt

Ian is a part-time PhD student at the Centre for Sports Engineering Research, studying while working full-time in his role as an EIS Physiotherapist with the GB Boxing programme in Sheffield

Miranda Knight

Miranda Knight is an MPhil student within the Centre for Sports Engineering Research, studying the characteristics of breast motion

Leona Brayne

Leona is a PhD student within CSER researching the assessment of dynamic balance using the Smartfloor, with the intention of investigating the importance of dynamic balance in elite level sports.

Ciaran McInerney

Ciarán graduated with a Bachelor's degree in sports and exercise sciences with a dissertation in muscle mechanics

Daniel Haid

Learn more about Daniel Haid's PhD topic

Jim Emery

Jim Emery is a PhD student within the Centre for Sports Engineering Research, specialising in footwear traction

Allison Dunne

Learn more about Allison Dunne's PhD topic


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