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Apply for jobs

Apply for jobs at Sheffield Hallam University

Middle East Conflict

Advice, support and guidance for the Sheffield Hallam community

Our strategy

Strategy 2020 was developed to give staff an opportunity to contribute to our aims and ambitions, long term

Careers and development

Information for students at Sheffield Hallam about ways to develop yourself and prepare for your future.

Industrial action

There has been a national vote in favour of industrial action by members of the University and College Union (UCU). We understand that this might cause concern or anxiety. Our priority is to minimise the impact on you as much as possible.

IT and library

Information for students at Sheffield Hallam about IT and the library

Activities and support over the summer

Support and activities over the summer

The Hallam Deal: Your Benefits

Sheffield Hallam is a great place to work. How do we know? Because the people who work here tell us.

Cost of living support for students

We know that many of our students and their families are being affected by the current cost of living, so we’ve put together a range of support to help.

University life

Information for students at Sheffield Hallam about making the most of university life


Cancel event

Are you sure you want to cancel your place on Saturday 12 November?
