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Found 418 items using the filter:

Offender Peer Interventions: What do we know?

Client: Sheffield Hallam University | Authors: Del Roy Fletcher and Elaine Batty

Inclusive economy

Hidden Unemployment in the East Midlands

Client: East Midlands Observatory | Authors: Christina Beatty, Stephen Fothergill, Tony Gore and Anne Green

Inclusive economy

The Real Level of Unemployment 2022: The myth of full employment across Britain

Client: Sheffield Hallam University | Authors: Christina Beatty, Steve Fothergill, Tony Gore and David Leather

Inclusive economy

The Impact of Welfare Reform on Northern Ireland

Client: NICVA | Authors: Christina Beatty and Steve Fothergill

Inclusive economy

Evaluation of the Trans-national Resettlement Project: UK and Ireland

Authors: David Robinson, Aimee Walshaw, Marcianne Uwimana, Bemba Bahati, Kesia Reeve, Nadia Bashir

Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation

Barrow's Incapacity Claimants

Client: Furness Enterprise Ltd | Authors: Christina Beatty, Steve Fothergill, Tony Gore and Ryan Powell

Inclusive economy

The contribution of community businesses to the rural economy of Yorkshire and the Humber

Client: Humber and Wolds Rural Community Council / Yorkshire Forward | Authors: Tony Gore, Ryan Powell and Peter Wells

Policy research and evaluation
Inclusive economy

Decent Homes Better Health: Ealing Decent Homes Health Impact Assessment

Client: Local Government Association | Authors: Jan Gilbertson, Geoff Green, David Ormandy and Bernard Stafford

Housing and place
Inclusive economy

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