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Found 10149 items

Staff profiles

Mark John Leader

Started at Sheffield Hallam in 1993. Teach Politics and the media. Rated an Inspirational teacher by students every year since the scheme began.

David Harness

Profile of David Harness, at Sheffield Hallam University

Staff profiles

Natalie Bishop

Natalie Bishop, Lecturer in Nursing Sheffield Hallam University

Staff profiles

Myriam Gomez-Cardenas

Myriam Gomez-Cardenas Lecturer in International Business Sheffield Hallam University

Staff profiles

Lynne Spackman

I deliver modules on both undergraduate and postgraduate courses primarily in Cognitive Neuroscience but also in project management and ethics

Staff profiles

Orla Turnbull

Orla Turnbull, Research Assistant, Sheffield Hallam University

Staff profiles

Becky Ashworth

Becky Ashworth, Senior Lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University

Richard West

Staff profile for Richard West, Lecturer in mental health nursing at Sheffield Hallam University

Staff profiles

Jake Phillips

As Lecturer in Criminology I teach undergraduate students across all levels.

Staff profiles

James Baldwin, Senior Lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University

James Baldwin, Senior Lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University


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