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Impact evaluation of the Volunteer for Stronger Communities project

Client: Volunteering England | Staff: Richard Crisp, Chris Dayson, Sarah Pearson, Nadia Bashir and Jan Gilbertson

Voluntary and community sector
Policy research and evaluation

Evaluation of the Community Investment Enterprise Facility

Client: Big Society Capital | Staff: Chris Dayson, Chris Damm, Ellen Bennett and Andrew Johnston (SBS)

Voluntary and community sector
Policy research and evaluation

Measuring Giving in Money and Time by Business at a Local Level

Client: SHU Faculty for Development Society Knowledge Exchange Programme and the National Association for Voluntary and Community Action (NAVCA)| Staff: Peter Wells, Nadia Bashir, Will Eadson and Chris Dayson

Voluntary and community sector
Policy research and evaluation

Landmark Art and Community Resilience

Client: SHU | Staff: Aimee Walshaw, Caroline Hart, Anne Hollows, Hywel Jones and Pat Morton

Voluntary and community sector
Policy research and evaluation

Making it Work Evaluation

Client: Big Lottery Fund| Staff: CRESR: Elaine Batty, Will Eadson, Elizabeth Sanderson and Chris Dayson. SCER, University of Strathclyde: Colin Lindsay, Hazel Baxter, Johanna Commander, Eli Dutton and Patricia Findlay

Policy research and evaluation
Inclusive economy
Housing and place
Voluntary and community sector

Social Investment in Cumbria Research

Client: Northern Rock Foundation | Staff: Peter Wells, Chris Dayson, Kiri Langmead, Ellen Bennett and Tony Chapman (Durham University)

Voluntary and community sector

Changing Futures Peer Evaluator Training

Client: South Yorkshire Housing Association (SYHA) | Staff: Nadia Bashir and Ellen Bennett

Voluntary and community sector

Evaluation of Age Better in Sheffield

Client: South Yorkshire Housing Association | Staff: Nadia Bashir, Ellen Bennett, Chris Dayson, Jan Gilbertson, Cathy Harris, Ben Pattison and Abi Woodward

Policy research and evaluation
Voluntary and community sector

State of the Voluntary and Community Sector in Sheffield

Client: Voluntary Action Sheffield and Sheffield City Council | Staff: Elizabeth Sanderson, Chris Damm and Chris Dayson

Voluntary and community sector

The future of independent welfare advice in Rotherham

Client: Voluntary Action Rotherham | Staff: Chris Dayson, Maxine Phillips (Advice in Rotherham) and David Sleightholme (Rotherham Citizens Advice Bureau)

Voluntary and community sector

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