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Found 408 items for the search term business school

Staff profiles

Dr Jean-Philippe Serbera

Senior lecturer in finance at Sheffield Business School

Staff profiles

Ololade Periola

Orla Turnbull, Research Assistant, Sheffield Hallam University

Staff profiles

Anh Luong

Lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University

Staff profiles

Colleen Heaton

Colleen is Head of Student Recruitment at the Sheffield Business School.

Staff profiles

Rachael Woodcock

Senior Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management at Sheffield Business School

Sheffield Business School
Staff profiles

Dr Alisha Ali

Alisha is a Principal Lecturer and Hospitality Subject Group Leader at Sheffield Business School. Alisha has completed a Bachelors of Science Degree in Tourism Management, a Masters Degree in Management Studies and a PhD in Tourism which focused on investigating the uses and applications of ICT for sustainable tourism for destinations. She teaches in the areas of innovation, IT, sustainable tourism and hospitality operations. Her research interests are sustainable development, technology applications and impacts for hospitality and tourism, innovation in hospitality and tourism, destination management and online research methods.


Latest hospitality news from Caterer and Hotelkeeper

Latest hospitality news from Caterer and Hotelkeepers at Sheffield Hallam University

Staff profiles

Dawn Charlesworth

A professional with over fourteen years experience, with three years experience in working specifically with small and medium sized enterprises on bespoke projects during my time at Sheffield Hallam's Centre for Food Innovation

Sheffield Business School
Staff profiles

Richard Telling

Since joining the hospitality subject group in 2013, I have delivered a variety of modules across our undergraduate and postgraduate hospitality programmes and my teaching responsibilities also extend to our overseas provision in Hong Kong

Staff profiles

Ian Elsmore

As a Senior Lecturer in the Hospitality subject group, Ian teaches in the areas of Research Methods, Small Business Management and Human Resource Management


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