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Process Evaluation of Plan Rationalisation

Client: Office for the Deputy Prime Minister | Authors: Peter Wells, Lynne Dowson, Janie Percy-Smith

Policy research and evaluation
Voluntary and community sector
Housing and place

Charity Bank in the North Evaluation

Client: Yorkshire Forward | Staff: Peter Wells, Chris Dayson, Richard Crisp and Sadie Parr

Voluntary and community sector
Policy research and evaluation

Early Action Neighbourhood Fund Evaluation and Learning Contract

Client: Big Lottery Fund | Staff: Sarah Pearson, Peter Wells. Ellen Bennett and Chris Dayson

Voluntary and community sector

Evaluation of the Rotherham Social Prescribing Pilot

Client: Voluntary Action Rotherham, NHS Rotherham CCG | Staff: Chris Dayson, Sarah Pearson, Jan Gilbertson, Will Eadson and Nadia Bashir

Voluntary and community sector
Policy research and evaluation
Inclusive economy

Our Big Gig

Client: Superact CIC| Staff: Peter Wells, Chris Dayson, Elizabeth Sanderson, Will Eadson plus Tom Shore, Lindsey McCarthy, Lucy Taylor and Mike Foden

Voluntary and community sector

Building Capabilities Evaluation and Learning Contract: Formative Scoping Study

Client: Big Lottery Fund | Staff: Rob Macmillan, Peter Wells, Chris Dayson, Elizabeth Sanderson and Will Eadson

Voluntary and community sector
Policy research and evaluation

Evaluation of Children’s Communities

Client: Save the Children UK| Staff: Sarah Pearson, Mike Coldwell, Ian Wilson, Elaine Batty, Bernie Stiell and Ben Willis

Policy research and evaluation
Inclusive economy
Housing and place
Voluntary and community sector

A service evaluation of Age UK's person centred discharge model

Client: Age UK | Staff: Jan Gilbertson, Lindsey McCarthy and Nadia Bashir

Policy research and evaluation
Voluntary and community sector

Supporting and Maintaining Programme Evaluation

Client: Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council | Staff: Sarah Pearson, Jan Gilbertson, Chris Dayson, Angela Tod, Nadia Bashir, Steve Green, Elaine Batty and Annette Haywood (University of Sheffield)

Voluntary and community sector
Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation

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