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Evaluation of the British Red Cross ‘First Call’ Service for Older People

Client: British Red Cross | Staff: David Robinson, Nadia Bashir, Tony Gore, Steve Green, Lindsey McCarthy and Ian Wilson

Inclusive economy
Policy research and evaluation
Voluntary and community sector

Early Action Neighbourhood Fund Evaluation and Learning Contract

Client: Big Lottery Fund | Staff: Sarah Pearson, Peter Wells. Ellen Bennett and Chris Dayson

Voluntary and community sector

Our Bigger Story: the Longitudinal Multi Media Evaluation of Big Local

Client: Local Trust| Staff: Angus McCabe (TSRC, University of Birmingham), Rob Macmillan, Mandy Wilson (freelance researcher), Paul Morgans (independent film maker) and Matt Edwards (University of Birmingham)

Housing and place
Inclusive economy
Voluntary and community sector

Stockport Council NESTA evaluation

Client: Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council | Staff: Sarah Pearson, Chris Dayson, Jan Gilbertson and Elizabeth Sanderson

Voluntary and community sector
Policy research and evaluation

Evaluation of the Rotherham Social Prescribing Pilot

Client: Voluntary Action Rotherham, NHS Rotherham CCG | Staff: Chris Dayson, Sarah Pearson, Jan Gilbertson, Will Eadson and Nadia Bashir

Voluntary and community sector
Policy research and evaluation
Inclusive economy

Evaluation of Children’s Communities

Client: Save the Children UK| Staff: Sarah Pearson, Mike Coldwell, Ian Wilson, Elaine Batty, Bernie Stiell and Ben Willis

Policy research and evaluation
Inclusive economy
Housing and place
Voluntary and community sector

Evaluation of Yorkshire Adoption Agency’s DFE Expansion Grant

Client: Yorkshire Adoption Agency| Staff: Nadia Bashir and Chris Dayson

Voluntary and community sector
Policy research and evaluation

Volunteering in Community Business: meaning, practice and management

Client: Power to Change | Staff: Rob Macmillan, Chris Damm, Jon Dean, Cathy Harris and Angela Ellis Paine

Voluntary and community sector

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