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Found 10148 items

I have a few career ideas

See how you can test out and develop your ideas, and get support with your career planning


Find out more about our careers programme for International Students

Sandwich Placement Prep

Learn more about the Sandwich Placement Prep Programme and how you can secure a sandwich year placement as part of your studies.

I'm looking for career ideas

Gain support in developing potential ideas and routes for your career

Finding a Mentor

Learn more about Mentor Link and how you can find your own mentor

Hallam Award

Learn more the Hallam Award that gives you recognition for the extra things you do outside your course

African, Asian and Minoritised Groups

Discover more about our support for African, Asian & Minoritised Groups

LGBTQ+ students

Read about the support available to LGBTQ+ students

Students who are carers

Read about the support available to students who are carers

Students with Disabilities

Read about the support available to students with disabilities


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