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Found 10148 items

Gap year

Find out if a gap year is right for you


Find out what an internship is and how you can find, apply and get an internship

Alumni Careers Newsletter

Read updates from our Alumni Careers Newsletter


Find out what a placement is and how you can find, apply and get a placement

Working abroad

Learn how you can develop your skills and experience through working aboard


Find out what volunteering is and how you can find volunteering opportunities

Reduce your Digital Distraction

It’s easy to get carried away or to forget our self-care whilst we’re having fun. The downside to this is that it doesn’t take long until we start to feel the effects and stop feeling good. Read our tips to keep you feeling good this holiday season from the Student Wellbeing team.

Part-time & Campus Jobs

Find out about how to find and apply for a part-time or campus job

Psychometric tests

Learn what psychometric tests are, how to prepare for the various types of test

Supporting statements

Take a look at our advice on how to structure and write your supporting statements


Cancel event

Are you sure you want to cancel your place on Saturday 12 November?
