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Found 408 items for the search term business school

Executives and Entrepreneurs in residence

Our executives and entrepreneurs support graduates and alumni in their career development.

Marc Duffy

Staff profile for Marc Duffy, Senior Lecturer for Sheffield Hallam University.

Staff profiles

Elizabeth Dempsey

Elizabeth Dempsey is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing within Sheffield Business School.

Institutions participating in exchanges with Sheffield Hallam University

This is a complete list of all our exchange partners. If your institution and main subject area are listed then you can apply to come to Sheffield Hallam via your exchange co-ordinator.


Industry news

Sheffield Hallam University's live news feeds from key hospitality websites give you easy access to top stories from across the industry

Alim Abubakre

Senior Lecturer

Staff profiles

Charlotte Rowley

I currently teach on the BSc Events Management courses. I am also one of the Placement team for the Events Management subject group, I support students in finding both short term and long term work experience in the Events Industry

Staff profiles

Michelle Davey

Michelle Davey is a Senior Lecturer in Strategtic Management within Sheffield Business School.

Staff profiles

Alexander Afakordzi

Staff profiles

Jane Tattersall

Currently a Principal Lecturer and Course Leader at Sheffield Business School, with more than 20 years of business experience before pursuing an academic career.


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