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Explore our research events

Outputs and data

Read about and visit Sheffield Hallam's open access archives for research outputs and research data

Industry and Innovation Research Institute

The Industry and Innovation Research Institute at Sheffield Hallam University supports ground-breaking research in engineering, biomolecular sciences and more.

Social and Economic Research Institute

The Social and Economic Research Institute leads pioneering research in the fields of law, economics, education and more.

Contact us

How to reach Sheffield Hallam's research team for enquiries about business collaborations, strategic partnerships, PhD study and more.

Research in action

Read articles and watch videos about Sheffield Hallam's innovative, high-impact research work.


Find information about Sheffield Hallam's research leadership team, and search for academic experts in a particular field

Research degrees

Find out about Sheffield Hallam’s thriving doctoral research community, and how you can join it.

Excellence and Integrity

Find out more about how we work and the standard of our research, including our strategy, our REF submissions and our ethics and data policies

Register with Disabled Student Support

Register to get support. New applicants can register from April. Current students can register at any time.


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