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Staff profiles

Professor Tony Blackshaw

Tony is Professor of Leisure Studies and Sociology

Staff profiles

Aileen Mary Moore

Following qualification as a psychiatric social worker Aileen worked in Glasgow and Derbyshire as a mental health worker before becoming a senior lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University

Staff profiles

Jack Black

Staff profile for Jack Black, Lecturer in Sport Studies at Sheffield Hallam University

Staff profiles

Rachel Ibbotson

Staff profile for Rachel Ibboston, Research Fellow at Sheffield Hallam University's Health and Social Care Research

Staff profiles

Shia Ping Kung

Shia Ping is the principal analyst for sports for the National Benchmarking Service which SIRC provides on behalf of Sport England

Staff profiles

Gail Haddock

I teach a wide range of subjects including anatomy and physiology, cell biology and biochemistry.

Staff profiles

Melissa Jacobi

As Course Leader for Sport Business Management Melissa's role focuses on ensuring a high quality experience for our undergraduate students. She has a background in the public, private and voluntary sport and leisure sectors and brings this applied focus to her teaching. She has written a series of academic case studies focusing on initiates such as Parkrun that are utilised in teaching and is contributing to a research project aimed at establishing students expectations and perceptions of 'feedback'.

Staff profiles

Stuart Bonner

Stuart teaches on modules across the PE and School Sport, Sport Development and Coaching and Sport Coaching degree routes

Staff profiles

Tim Robinson

Staff profiles

Michelle Morgan

I recently joined Sheffield Hallam in October last year having worked for the NHS for fourteen years. I currently work in the OT team and am module lead for Personal and Professional Development year 1 and 2. I worked in many varying roles whilst working for the NHS and feel this has made me a well rounded practitioner.


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