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Found 492 items for the search term teach

Gordon Jelley

Staff profile for Gordon Jelley, Lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University

Staff profiles

David Reynolds

I am a Senior Lecturer in Psychology where I teach the following areas: Cognitive Psychology, Biological Psychology and Research Methods and Statistics

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Colette Fegan

I teach on the MSc Vocational Rehabilitation and I am involved in the delivery of the work based learning module

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Beatrice Fairley

Profile of Beatrice Fairley, Senior Lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University

Staff profiles

Julie Gillin

I teach print and digital journalism on the undergraduate journalism degree and on the postgraduate journalism and PR degrees

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Peter Hooper

I currently lead the Primary GTP programme, and am an academic tutor for Primary PGCE trainees. I teach on various modules in the Primary PGCE programme and GTP and also have a role in developing future partnerships with schools

Laura Makey

My specialist interests are in infectious diseases and sexual health. I also have a keen interest in clinical research design and methods to improve recruitment to research trials.

Staff profiles

Tarsem Sihra

I teach on the following modules; Vibroacoustics, Advanced Vibrations and Acoustics, Thermodynamics, Engine Technology, Automotive Design and Production.

Tom Brown

Staff profile for Tom Brown Senior Lecturer in Criminology at Sheffield Hallam University

Staff profiles

Kelly Wilson

Staff profile for Kelly Wilson


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