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Staff profiles

Tim Spencer

Tim's research at MERI involves the application of theory and simulation techniques for the predictive modelling of real life systems that involve fluids.

Staff profiles

Joan Rodriguez-Amat

Before joining Sheffield Hallam University (June 2015), Joan was appointed as postdoc in the chair of Media Governance, Media Organisations and Media Industries with Professor Katharine Sarikakis at the University of Vienna (2011-15). Prior to that he enjoyed a permanent position at the University of Vic (Spain).

Staff profiles

Fethi Al Shawi

I teach modules related to structural mechanics across various courses

Dr David Hattersley

Dr David Hattersley, Senior Lecturer in Marketing at Sheffield Hallam University.

Staff profiles

Tim Mulroy

Tim is the International Lead and Principal Lecturer in Electrical, Electronic, and Control Engineering, and looks after the international recruitment to Engineering courses

Staff profiles

Alaster Yoxall

I have been involved in the 'Inclusive Design' of packaging for a little over 12 years. I was the UK's technical expert in the development of ISO 17480 Packaging Accessibility guidelines. Further, I have extensive experience in measuring people's capabilities, observing people opening packaging and developing solutions. I am currently involved in a number of projects working with academia, business and healthcare professionals to improve packaging accessibility.

Staff profiles

Pallavi Singh

Pallavi Singh is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing at Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK.

Staff profiles

Tim Breikin

Tim started his academic career in the UK as a Lecturer at the University of Manchester, in February 2004. Prior to that appointment he had nine years of research experience on the modelling, control, performance monitoring and optimisation of industrial systems.

Staff profiles

Pamela Bowman

Pamela is Principal Lecturer and Program Lead for Visual Communication

Staff profiles

Adam Shepherd

I teach within Games Design. During my time at the university I have taught 3D modelling, Rigging, Texturing and Animation through levels 4-7, as well as various skills and techniques within software such as Zbrush, for high polygon definition with character creation.


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