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Found 447 items for the search term business school


Celebrating 40 years of organisational development

Sheffield Business School (SBS) hosted an evening of celebration and debate to mark the 40th anniversary of organisation development


Driving Business Success



Driving Business Success - Barnsley

As part of the Sheffield Innovation Programme, the Sheffield Business School are delivering a dynamic practitioner workshop for those in operational or management roles who wish to further optimise their personal effectiveness and impact in driving forward business success. Themes include leading for business success, innovating for business growth, developing high-performance teams and understanding your customer value proposition.


Malaysian alumni event - British Quiz

Malaysian alumni and students studying in partnership with Sheffield Hallam at KBU International College in Kuala Lumpur caught up with friends, alumni and University staff

Forging Future Collaborations – Sheffield Business School in London

Join us to connect with academics from our Sheffield Business School and discover the range of ways you can collaborate with us to strengthen your organisation.


Institute of Sales Management - North Regional Event

During this interactive session, Dr Paul Johnston and Dr Simon Kelly will help you develop MUSICAL value propositions that sell based on their book "Value-ology: Aligning Sales and Marketing to Shape and Deliver Profitable value Propositions".


Coaching and Mentoring Open Space Event

Several times a year, the Sheffield Business School hosts a coaching and mentoring day which provides a space for both practitioners and academics to get together and talk about what's happening in this rapidly developing area.

Sheffield Business School Breakfast Event

Join us on 4 October to discover how your organisation can collaborate with us to solve strategic challenges.


FABS Talks - Bank of England's UK economic update

Huw Pill, Chief Economist at the Bank of England, will present the latest UK economic update. In conjunction with the Sheffield MD Club.

Sheffield Business School awarded international accolade for impact on the region

Sheffield Business School at Sheffield Hallam University has been awarded the EFMD Business School Impact System (BSIS) label, for its impact on the South Yorkshire Region.

Sheffield Business School

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